নিমের তেল

Neem Oil

নিম তেলের উপকারিতা ও বৈশিষ্ট্য

  • নিম গাছ হিন্দুদের পবিত্র বৃক্ষ এবং আয়ুর্বেদিক ও ইউনানী চিকিৎসার একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। এর পাতা, বাকল, বীজ এবং শিকড়ে বিভিন্ন ফার্মাকোলজিকাল সক্রিয় উপাদান রয়েছে, যার মধ্যে রয়েছে অ্যান্টিসেপটিক, অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টি-ডায়াবেটিক, অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টিফাঙ্গাল প্রভাব। (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
  • নিম এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল (মার্গোসা তেল) বীজের হাইড্রোডিস্টিলেশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত হয়। এটি অ্যারোমাথেরাপিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় না। নিমের প্রয়োজনীয় তেল সম্পর্কে সাহিত্যে খুব কম তথ্য রয়েছে। নিম তেলের উপর সমস্ত গবেষণা বীজের স্থির (উদ্ভিজ্জ) তেল নিয়ে। যা হয় ঠান্ডা চাপ বা বিভিন্ন দ্রাবক সঙ্গে নিষ্কাশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত করা হয়. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)  
  • নিম তেল একটি ত্বকের যত্নের উপাদান, সার, পোকামাকড় প্রতিরোধক এবং কীটনাশক। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)  
  •  নিম তেল থেকে নিমবিনিন, নিম্বিডিন এবং নিম্বিন নামে তিনটি পণ্য প্রথম পাওয়া গেছে। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)
  • নিমের তেলে চারটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড রয়েছে, যার মধ্যে দুটি স্যাচুরেটেড, যেমন স্টিয়ারিক এবং পামিটিক অ্যাসিড। একটি মনোস্যাচুরেটেড অ্যাসিড একটি ওলিক অ্যাসিড এবং একটি পলিআনস্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড একটি লিনোলিক অ্যাসিড। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)  
  • নিম তেল খুশকি, সোরিয়াসিস, স্কেলিং এবং চুল পড়া সহ মাথার ত্বকের অবস্থার জন্য অনেক উপকার দেয়। (যোগেশ এস কোলেকার, 2021)  
  • এটি টিক্স, মাছি এবং উকুন নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে সাহায্য করে। এটিতে অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট, অ্যান্টিসেপটিক এবং নিরাময়ের বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে। (পাটিল, 2023)  
  • অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্ল্যামেটরি, অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট, অ্যান্টিসেপটিক এবং নিরাময় বৈশিষ্ট্য সহ, এটি ব্রণ, সোরিয়াসিস এবং একজিমা এবং ত্বকের বার্ধক্যের লক্ষণগুলির মতো ত্বকের বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিত্সা করে, যেমন বলিরেখা, পুরুত্ব এবং লালভাব। (সাগর এন. আন্দে, 2022)  
  • এটি ক্ষত নিরাময়ের জন্য একটি সুবিধাজনক এবং কার্যকর উদ্ভিদ থেকে প্রাপ্ত তেল হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। (মারিয়া লেটিজিয়া মানকা, 2021)  
  • উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হল ট্রাইটারপেন যা লিমোনয়েড নামে পরিচিত, সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হল আজাডিরাকটিন, যা বেশিরভাগ কীটপতঙ্গের উপর 90% প্রভাব ফেলে। (Estefânia VR Campos JL, 2016)  
  • কীটনাশক হিসাবে, নিমের তেল মশার কামড় থেকে ব্যক্তিগত সুরক্ষা হতে পারে। (শর্মা এসকে, 1995)  

নিম তেলের তথ্যঃ

INCI: Azadirachta indica বীজ নির্যাস (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)। 

নিম তেল, মারগোসা তেল (অ্যান্টন সি. ডি গ্রুট, 2016) নামেও পরিচিত 

প্রতিশব্দ: Melia Azadirachta L (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

সিএএস নম্বর: 84696-25-3 

পরিবার: Meliaceae (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।


কোসিং তথ্য:  

সমস্ত ফাংশন: ত্বক কন্ডিশনার 

বর্ণনা:Azadirachta indica বীজের নির্যাস হল Azadirachta indica, Meliaceae (Anton C. de Groot, 2016) এর বীজের নির্যাস

সুবাস: একটি তৈলাক্ত, কাঠ এবং ধুলোবালি, সামান্য প্রাণীজ গন্ধ (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)। 

রঙ: হালকা বাদামী পরিষ্কার মোবাইল তরল (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

নিম তেলের ইতিহাস

নিম মেহগনি পরিবার Meliaceae থেকে একটি দ্রুত বর্ধনশীল চিরহরিৎ গাছ যা 15-20 মিটার উচ্চতায় পৌঁছাতে পারে। গাছটি দক্ষিণ ও দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার শুষ্ক বনাঞ্চলের আদিবাসী। এটি ভারত, নেপাল, পাকিস্তান, বাংলাদেশ, শ্রীলঙ্কা, মায়ানমার, থাইল্যান্ড, মালয়েশিয়া, ইন্দোনেশিয়া এবং ইরানে ব্যাপকভাবে বিতরণ করা হয়। তবে নিম উত্তর-পূর্ব ভারত, মায়ানমার এবং বাংলাদেশের স্থানীয় বলে মনে করা হয়।

নিম গাছ হিন্দুদের পবিত্র বৃক্ষ এবং আয়ুর্বেদিক ও ইউনানী চিকিৎসার একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। নিমের পাতা, বাকল, বীজ এবং শিকড়ে বিভিন্ন ফার্মাকোলজিক্যালি সক্রিয় উপাদান রয়েছে, যা অ্যান্টিসেপটিক, অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টি-ডায়াবেটিক, অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টিফাঙ্গাল প্রভাবের অধিকারী হতে পারে।

তিক্ত বীজ তেল (উদ্ভিজ্জ, স্থায়ী তেল) একটি কঠিন (রসুনের মত) গন্ধ আছে। এটি একজিমা এবং ফুরুনকলের মতো চর্মরোগগুলির চিকিত্সার জন্য এবং অন্ত্রের কৃমি সংক্রমণ থেকে মুক্তি দিতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

নিম এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল (মার্গোসা তেল) বীজের হাইড্রোডিস্টিলেশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত হয়। নিম অপরিহার্য তেল সম্পর্কে সাহিত্যে খুব কম তথ্য আছে; 'নিম তেল' নিয়ে কার্যত সমস্ত গবেষণাই বীজের স্থির তেলের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, যা হয় ঠান্ডা চেপে বা বিভিন্ন দ্রাবক দিয়ে নিষ্কাশন করে বা নিম গাছের পাতা বা ফুল থেকে প্রয়োজনীয় তেল থেকে পাওয়া যেতে পারে। অ্যারোমাথেরাপিতে অপরিহার্য তেল ব্যবহার করা হয় না (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

নিমের তেল ত্বকের যত্নের উপাদান, সার, পোকামাকড় প্রতিরোধক এবং কীটনাশক হিসেবে কাজ করে। নেইল পলিশের মতো প্রসাধনীতে খাঁটি নিম তেল ব্যবহার করা হয়। দক্ষিণ-এশিয়ায়, প্রচুর পরিমাণে নিম তেল পাওয়া যায় এবং এটি ভোজ্য নয়। ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে, নিম তেল আলোর উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে, যেমন গ্রামীণ এলাকায় বাতির জ্বালানি। প্রসাধনী, ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালস, সাবান এবং অন্যান্য ভোজ্য দ্রব্য প্রস্তুত করতে নিম তেল শিল্প স্কেলে ব্যবহার করা হয়। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)

নিম তেল দিয়ে আমাদের পণ্য

নিমের তেলে অনেক থেরাপিউটিক উপাদান রয়েছে যা কার্যকরভাবে ত্বক ও চুলের যত্নের চিকিৎসা পরিচালনা করতে পারে। এই তেলটি অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং ইমিউন সিস্টেমকে শক্তিশালী করার ক্ষমতা হিসাবে স্বীকৃত।

কেয়া শেঠ অ্যারোমাথেরাপি নিমের তেল-ভিত্তিক পণ্যগুলির একটি পরিসর চালু করেছে। তারা কার্যকরভাবে ত্বক ও চুলের উদ্বেগের সমস্যা কমায় এবং আপনার ত্বক ও চুলকে স্বাস্থ্যকর করে তোলে। পণ্যের নাম...


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    Violet Barnes: February 10, 2025

    Hello I`m very happy today with my family. My name is Violet Barnes, living in the United Kingdom. My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and I love him so much, I have been looking for a way to get him back since then. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until I met a friend that darted me to Dr Peter, a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 24 hours. My husband and I are living happily together today, That man is great, Now I will advise any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now for a fast solution without stress.. contact him now on his email (drpeterspellcaster21@gmail.com) or WhatsApp: +1 (646) 494-4360



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    scottymary: February 07, 2025

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    scottymary: February 07, 2025

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    Jessi canaya: February 07, 2025

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    Noel Patricio: February 05, 2025

    A Life-Changing Experience, Dr Kachi A Testimony of Gratitude

    I would like to share an extraordinary experience that has transformed my life. My story with Dr. Kachi’s work resonated with me, and I decided to give it a chance. For years, my family and I struggled financially, and despite my best efforts, I never had luck winning the lottery. I loved playing, but winning seemed impossible. Everything changed when I connected with Dr. Kachi, who provided me with a winning lottery number through a powerful spell. In just 24 hours, I was able to play the lottery and won the Lotto 6/49 prize, a remarkable $68 million cash prize, on September 27th in the Gold Ball Draw. This incredible win has completely changed my life and the financial well-being of my entire family. After 10 years of trying unsuccessfully, I am now living my dream life. I am beyond grateful to Dr. Kachi for his assistance, Dr. Kachi has truly been a blessing to me and my loved ones. I encourage anyone who is interested to reach out to Dr. Kachi for guidance. his email drkachispellcast@gmail.com. Also reach him by text or call +1 (209) 893-8075.Thank you once again, Dr. Kachi, for making my dreams come true.

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    Eleanor Downes : February 05, 2025

    I was introduced to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme around early November 2024. The platform promised easy profits by exploiting price differences in cryptocurrencies across exchanges. They had an app and what seemed like guaranteed strategies, even using ‘AI’ to make trades. I started with $2,000, lured by the daily updates showing how my balance was growing. Everything seemed fine at first, consistent, modest gains. I watched as my account hit $21,700 in just a few weeks which subsequently led me to invest more funds into this platform. But when I tried to withdraw my funds, the problems started. First, there was a withdrawal fee, which I didn’t think much of at the time. But then they requested another fee for exchange commissions, followed by a tax settlement fee. Each time I thought I was one step closer to accessing my money, a new obstacle appeared. I ended up paying nearly $20,000 in fees without ever seeing a cent of my profits. The company eventually went silent on me, and I was left reeling from the loss. I felt ashamed for falling for it, but also furious at how sophisticated the scam had been. After months of research, I found Asore Hack Corporation, a team that specializes in recovering lost digital assets. Thanks to their expert work, they were able to access and recover my funds including all earnings from my portfolio into my bank accounts without trace of any form, and they gave me back a sense of hope in an otherwise hopeless situation. If you’re going through something similar, don’t hesitate to contact Asore Hack Corp. Their team is available to assist you via email, using the address below:
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    John Use : February 05, 2025


    I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the woman who commented on how she used THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT to recover her bitcoin and return it to her wallet. Coincidentally, I experienced a similar issue and, after losing a total of $1.157 million on a cryptocurrency investment platform, I had been reporting to the Authorities tirelessly for a longtime without getting assistance before I finally got in touch with THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Today, I can attest to their authenticity because, as I type this, I have my lost bitcoin back in my wallet and am in tears of joy. Have you ever been a victim of a scam? I implore you to Contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. A Certified hacker and Lost Crypto Recovery Expert. Thank God that I found THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT who gave me a remedy that only took 24 hours and I’m grateful for their job well done. I recommend this Expert to any victim who has lost bitcoin to any fake cryptocurrency investment platform. Get in touch with THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT.

    WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320)

    If you’re in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.

  • Author image
    John Use : February 05, 2025


    I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the woman who commented on how she used THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT to recover her bitcoin and return it to her wallet. Coincidentally, I experienced a similar issue and, after losing a total of $1.157 million on a cryptocurrency investment platform, I had been reporting to the Authorities tirelessly for a longtime without getting assistance before I finally got in touch with THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Today, I can attest to their authenticity because, as I type this, I have my lost bitcoin back in my wallet and am in tears of joy. Have you ever been a victim of a scam? I implore you to Contact THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. A Certified hacker and Lost Crypto Recovery Expert. Thank God that I found THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT who gave me a remedy that only took 24 hours and I’m grateful for their job well done. I recommend this Expert to any victim who has lost bitcoin to any fake cryptocurrency investment platform. Get in touch with THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT.

    WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320)

    If you’re in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.

  • Author image
    Mary Robinson: February 04, 2025

    Good day to everyone reading my post, i’m here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email drkachispellcast@gmail.com or through Text and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075 his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

  • Author image
    oliver james: February 03, 2025

    I got cured miraculously from HPV Virus using herbs by Dr. Guba who sent me some herbal medicines and I used them as instructed within two weeks. Before I knew I was totally healed, I visited my doctor for a medical examination. Behold, I am negative. I introduced this great doctor to a couple of infected friends who also tried the medication and they were cured as well . Please if you have this virus and you have tried so many things or have been deceived severally, here is your final solution for you send him an email via: Drgubahealingherbs@gmail.com or WhatsApp: + 234 816 238 8034 or website: https://drgubahealingherbs.wixsite.com/guba-healing-herbs

  • Author image
    Noel Patricio: January 30, 2025

    A Life-Changing Experience, Dr Kachi A Testimony of Gratitude

    I would like to share an extraordinary experience that has transformed my life. I came across a remarkable testimony online forum about a powerful and renowned spell caster, Dr. Kachi. At the time, I was skeptical because I had never encountered anything related to magic or spell casting before. However, the story of Dr. Kachi’s work resonated with me, and I decided to give it a chance. For years, my family and I struggled financially, and despite my best efforts, I never had luck winning the lottery. I loved playing, but winning seemed impossible. Everything changed when I connected with Dr. Kachi, who provided me with a winning lottery number through a powerful spell. In just 24 hours, I was able to play the lottery and won the Lotto 6/49 prize, a remarkable $68 million cash prize, on September 27th in the Gold Ball Draw. This incredible win has completely changed my life and the financial well-being of my entire family. After 10 years of trying unsuccessfully, I am now living my dream life. I am beyond grateful to Dr. Kachi for his assistance, Dr. Kachi has truly been a blessing to me and my loved ones. I encourage anyone who is interested to reach out to Dr. Kachi for guidance. his website https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com. Also reach him text or call +1 (209) 893-8075.Thank you once again, Dr. Kachi, for making my dreams come true.

  • Author image
    Noel Patricio: January 30, 2025

    A Life-Changing Experience, Dr Kachi A Testimony of Gratitude

    I would like to share an extraordinary experience that has transformed my life. I came across a remarkable testimony online forum about a powerful and renowned spell caster, Dr. Kachi. At the time, I was skeptical because I had never encountered anything related to magic or spell casting before. However, the story of Dr. Kachi’s work resonated with me, and I decided to give it a chance. For years, my family and I struggled financially, and despite my best efforts, I never had luck winning the lottery. I loved playing, but winning seemed impossible. Everything changed when I connected with Dr. Kachi, who provided me with a winning lottery number through a powerful spell. In just 24 hours, I was able to play the lottery and won the Lotto 6/49 prize, a remarkable $68 million cash prize, on September 27th in the Gold Ball Draw. This incredible win has completely changed my life and the financial well-being of my entire family. After 10 years of trying unsuccessfully, I am now living my dream life. I am beyond grateful to Dr. Kachi for his assistance, Dr. Kachi has truly been a blessing to me and my loved ones. I encourage anyone who is interested to reach out to Dr. Kachi for guidance. his website https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com. Also reach him text or call +1 (209) 893-8075.Thank you once again, Dr. Kachi, for making my dreams come true.

  • Author image
    Luna Brian: January 28, 2025

    I am writing this testimonial with immense gratitude and a renewed sense of hope in my heart. For years, I battled with the physical and emotional torment caused by the herpes virus. It felt like an unending struggle, until I discovered a remarkable solution that changed my life forever. Like many others, I had tried countless remedies, medications in search of a cure. I had lost hope, resigned to the belief that herpes was something I would have to live with indefinitely. However, fate intervened and led me to a breakthrough that altered the course of my life. Upon stumbling on a revolutionary treatment option, my skepticism slowly transformed into a flicker of hope. The treatment was a natural remedy from Dr Awase [ HERBS ] Over time, as I followed the treatment diligently, I started noticing positive changes and I experienced a boost in my overall well-being. I am ecstatic to share that I am now herpes-free confirmed by my Dr after a test was done. The treatment I received was nothing short of miraculous and I couldn’t be more grateful. I have regained my self-confidence and the burden that once weighed heavily upon me has been lifted. I was cured of my herpes virus through natural medication.
    If you, like me, have been struggling with herpes and searching for a way out, please know that hope exists. May my story inspire hope in the hearts of those who need it. He also specializes in getting rid of HPV, OVARIAN CYST, PCOS, HEPATITIS and a lot more.
    Contact on WhatsApp +2349074997110
    Email:- dr.awaseherbalhome@gmail. com

  • Author image
    Luna Brian: January 28, 2025

    I am writing this testimonial with immense gratitude and a renewed sense of hope in my heart. For years, I battled with the physical and emotional torment caused by the herpes virus. It felt like an unending struggle, until I discovered a remarkable solution that changed my life forever. Like many others, I had tried countless remedies, medications in search of a cure. I had lost hope, resigned to the belief that herpes was something I would have to live with indefinitely. However, fate intervened and led me to a breakthrough that altered the course of my life. Upon stumbling on a revolutionary treatment option, my skepticism slowly transformed into a flicker of hope. The treatment was a natural remedy from Dr Awase [ HERBS ] Over time, as I followed the treatment diligently, I started noticing positive changes and I experienced a boost in my overall well-being. I am ecstatic to share that I am now herpes-free confirmed by my Dr after a test was done. The treatment I received was nothing short of miraculous and I couldn’t be more grateful. I have regained my self-confidence and the burden that once weighed heavily upon me has been lifted. I was cured of my herpes virus through natural medication.
    If you, like me, have been struggling with herpes and searching for a way out, please know that hope exists. May my story inspire hope in the hearts of those who need it. He also specializes in getting rid of HPV, OVARIAN CYST, PCOS, HEPATITIS and a lot more.
    Contact on WhatsApp +2349074997110
    Email:- dr.awaseherbalhome@gmail. com

  • Author image
    cuquimorejoon: January 28, 2025

    TESTIMONY OF HOW I GOT CURED FROM (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) BY THE GREAT HEALER DOCTOR AKHIGBEHello everyone my name is Cuquimorejoon I am here to testify of the great work Dr AKHIGBE did in my life with the help of his herbal traditional medicine. I have been suffering from Herpes since 2015 and ever since then I have been looking for solutions on how to cure it. I have being to different hospitals but I discovered none of them was working out for me that I was just wasting money. So I decided to live everything to God, then I was taking my medications to sustain my life and reduce the pains. So on this particular Sunday morning after coming back from service I sat down and begin to ask myself questions, then my phone rang behold it was my sister calling which I answered the call and she started telling me that a friend of hers who has been suffering from same herpes has just been cured by Dr akhigbe the herbal medicine man. Then I was over whelmed, even though I was a little bit confused so she encourage me to also give Dr akhigbe a trial and see for myself then I told her to help me get his contact and forward them to me, So immediately she got the contact of Dr Akhigbe  and send them to me, immediately I contacted Dr Akhigbe and he told me everything I needed to do to enable me get the herbs for my medications and immediately i did that which he instructed me to do without wasting anytime. And here I am today sound and healthy without any symptoms of herpes or any sickness in my body system. And he also told me that there is no sickness on this planet earth that doesn’t have a cure that with the help of herbs he can cure any sickness or disease you can ever think off. So if you are suffering from HERPES or any other sickness or disease and you need a cure you can also contact Dr Akhigbe with this Email Address at (drakhigbe2@gmail.com) whatsApp: +2347083551316 website: https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie    so you can also receive your healing and share your testimony

  • Author image
    Mavis Wanczyk: January 25, 2025

    My name is Mavis Wanczyk, from Chicopee, Massachusetts. I’m excited to share my fantastic experience with Dr. Kachi, who is outstanding at lottery spell casting online. No matter where you are or how challenging your situation might be, Dr. Kachi can help you win in lotteries and other gambling games. If you’ve been searching for winning numbers without success, Dr. Kachi’s spells are known for providing the right numbers and lucky letters. Many have become millionaires after just one game using his powerful spells. I contacted Dr. Kachi shared the necessary details, and he provided me with six Powerball numbers: 6, 7, 16, 23 26, plus the Powerball number 4. I played them and won $758.7 Million! My life has changed dramatically, and I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Kachi. If you’re interested, you can reach Dr. Kachi by text or call at +1 (209) 893-8075, email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com, or visit his website here https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site. Thank you so much, Dr. Kachi.

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    ALEX: January 23, 2025

    I Recommend Dr easbnam to everyone for his great work for curing me from Herpes with his Herbs Remedy and today i’m cured i am happy to share the good news and to also let everyone know how great his herbs remedy is with no side effect i am free from the herpes virus with no side effects. kindly reach him out. WhatsApp + 2348106600701 Email: dreasbnamrootandherbal1@gmail.com

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    Susan Bickford: January 19, 2025

    It’s A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don’t know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That’s when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it’s Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: drkachispellcast@gmail.com or website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

  • Author image
    summer jessic: January 11, 2025

    All the symptoms of my genital herpes virus disappeared totally after I finished drinking herbal medicine from a herbalist so I went to several labs for tests and they all came out Negative. Order and get Your herbal cure for herpes virus today from: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com by visiting his website:   https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver

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    frias michelle: January 10, 2025

    Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.This is not a claim or lie. I was totally cured from HSV1&2 by Herbalist His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try his Email 📧 Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com his page 🫵🏻

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