ब्लॉग 21: स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल

Blog 21: Breast cancer and essential oils - Keya Seth Aromatherapy
स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल

दुनिया भर में अपने जीवन के किसी न किसी पड़ाव पर स्तन कैंसर से प्रभावित महिलाओं की संख्या लगातार बढ़ रही है। अब पहली बार, भारतीय महिलाओं में भी स्तन कैंसर सबसे आम प्रकार का कैंसर बन गया है। कैंसर के इलाज में आवश्यक तेलों का प्रभाव अभी भी बहस का विषय है, लेकिन हम वास्तव में शरीर और दिमाग के समग्र स्वास्थ्य और कायाकल्प को बढ़ावा देने में अरोमाथेरेपी की प्रभावशीलता को नजरअंदाज नहीं कर सकते हैं। आवश्यक तेल अपने प्राकृतिक रोगाणुरोधी गुणों और प्रतिरक्षा में सुधार करने की क्षमता के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध हैं।

स्तन कैंसर और अरोमाथेरेपी - आशा की किरण

अरोमाथेरेपी और स्तन कैंसर

यह पता लगाने के लिए कई इन-विट्रो शोध किए गए हैं कि आवश्यक तेल कैंसर कोशिकाओं पर कैसे प्रभाव डालते हैं। एक अध्ययन में पाया गया कि चमेली, कैमोमाइल और थाइम जैसे विभिन्न आवश्यक तेलों द्वारा स्तन कैंसर कोशिका रेखाएं लगातार नष्ट हो गईं। यह नोट किया गया कि थाइम आवश्यक तेल MCF-7 स्तन कैंसर कोशिकाओं को 97% तक मारने में सक्षम था। दूसरी ओर कैमोमाइल आवश्यक तेल MCF-7 कोशिकाओं को 93% तक मारने में सक्षम था। अन्य आवश्यक तेलों ने भी स्तन कैंसर कोशिकाओं को नष्ट करने में विभिन्न स्तर की प्रभावशीलता का प्रदर्शन किया।

अरोमाथेरेपी और स्तन कैंसर

अरोमाथेरेपी में, खट्टे तेलों को लंबे समय से स्तन स्वास्थ्य से जोड़ा गया है। विभिन्न प्रकार के खट्टे फलों से निकाले गए इन आवश्यक तेलों में एक प्रमुख घटक के रूप में लिमोनेन होता है जिसके घातक स्तन कोशिकाओं के विकास को नियंत्रित करने में कुछ सिद्ध सकारात्मक प्रभाव होते हैं। वास्तव में, वे शुरुआती चरणों के दौरान स्तन कैंसर के विकास के दमन से संबंधित थे। साइट्रस आवश्यक तेल सूजन वाले स्तन कैंसर को नियंत्रित करने में भी प्रभावी हो सकते हैं।

स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल - प्रतिवाद

स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल

हालाँकि हम वास्तव में स्तन कैंसर कोशिकाओं को मारने में आवश्यक तेलों के सिद्ध प्रभावों को कम नहीं कर सकते हैं, हमें यह भी ध्यान में रखना होगा कि ये सभी अध्ययन "इन-विट्रो" आयोजित किए गए थे, जिसका अर्थ है मानव स्तन कैंसर कोशिकाओं से भरे पेट्री डिश में, न कि मानव पर। विषय. चूंकि अध्ययन "इन-विट्रो" आयोजित किए गए थे, इसलिए प्रत्येक कैंसर कोशिकाओं को आवश्यक तेलों की उच्च सांद्रता की आपूर्ति करना संभव हो सकता है, जो मानव विषयों के मामले में व्यावहारिक नहीं है।

स्तन कैंसर में आवश्यक तेल

मालिश और स्तन कैंसर

यह एक सिद्ध तथ्य है कि एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट शरीर की कोशिकाओं को मुक्त कणों के प्रभाव से बचाते हैं जो घातक हो सकते हैं। स्तन कैंसर की रोकथाम पर बढ़े हुए रक्त परिसंचरण का सकारात्मक प्रभाव भी कई अध्ययनों के माध्यम से दर्ज किया गया है। आवश्यक तेलों को सबसे शक्तिशाली प्राकृतिक एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट माना जाता है जो बिना किसी दुष्प्रभाव के उपचार और कायाकल्प कर सकता है। स्तन के ऊतकों में रक्त की आपूर्ति बढ़ाने के लिए आवश्यक तेलों का एक अच्छी तरह से मापा गया मिश्रण भी बहुत सहायक हो सकता है।

कई शोधों से पता चला है कि स्तन कैंसर की रोकथाम में मालिश की उल्लेखनीय सकारात्मक भूमिका है। सैन फ्रांसिस्को में आयोजित अमेरिकन सोसाइटी फॉर सेल बायोलॉजी की वार्षिक बैठक में प्रस्तुत एक शोध परिणाम के अनुसार, स्तन कोशिकाएं, जो अछूती रहने पर अनियंत्रित रूप से बढ़ती रहती हैं, जिससे स्तन कैंसर होता है, बल लगाने पर भी, कुचलने पर पूरी तरह से बढ़ना बंद हो जाता है। निकाला गया।

घर ले जाने का संदेश

स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल

स्तन कैंसर और आवश्यक तेल एक ऐसा विषय है जिस पर किसी निश्चित निष्कर्ष निकालने के लिए विशेष रूप से मानव विषयों पर अधिक शोध की आवश्यकता है। हालाँकि, आवश्यक तेलों की प्राकृतिक उपचार शक्ति और प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाने की क्षमता को ध्यान में रखते हुए यह कुछ हद तक पुष्टि के साथ कहा जा सकता है कि आवश्यक तेल स्तन कैंसर और कीमोथेरेपी के लक्षणों और दुष्प्रभावों को कम करने में सहायक हो सकते हैं। हालाँकि, प्रसिद्ध अरोमाथेरेपिस्ट कीमोथेरेपी के साथ आवश्यक तेलों का उपयोग नहीं करने का सुझाव देते हैं, लेकिन थेरेपी पूरी होने के बाद बेहतर रिकवरी के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है।


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  • Author image
    Loius Garcia: January 18, 2025

    I have come to found out and believed that there is no other form of medication that is 100% guarantee as herbal medicine, i was diagnosed of herpes tried several big pharma medicine and all form of healing to get rid of it all to no avail, until i read a comment about herbal medication by Dr Ofua a herbalist from Africa,which i gave it a try and behold he actually did send me the herbal medicine and its instruction,after uses i go for a blood test cause i noticed changes in my body and result came out to my greatest surprise i was now Herpes Negative i will recommend everyone to make use of his herbal medicine its the best,alot of people are talking about him you can check his web (https://neal-hypooght-scealy.yolasite.com) His contacts are Tel/whatsapp: +2347055955394 email: thegreatherbalhealinghome@gmail.com

  • Author image
    Oliver James: January 18, 2025

    I have taken time out to thank someone who cured me from HPV with herbal medicine! It became a major problem for me as it was affecting my daily life as I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across several posts about how Dr Guba a herbal man has been helping people on the same problem then I quickly contacted the herbal man and told him my experience with HPV" he prepared and send me his herbal medicine to drink, after everything I found out that all was okay with me and that my Herpes problem was gone after testing negative several times, this is why I have come out today to say thanks to him and for others to also believe that there’s cure for HPV. Contact him today on his Email: Drgubahealingherbs@gmail.com WhatsApp: + 234 816 238 8034 You can also go through his website: https://drgubahealingherbs.wixsite.com/guba-healing-herbs

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    Ashley Gross: January 17, 2025

    I am here to say a very big thanks to Dr Oliver for making me a complete woman again, I was infected with Herpes for 2 years. I have been seriously praying to God and searching for a cure. I came here last month to search for solution to my problem and i saw comments of people talking about different doctors and God directed me to choose Dr Oliver and i contacted Him, he sent me a medicine and directed me on how i will take the medicine for 14 days, i did so and went for a test and my result came out as Negative. I am so happy, I shared tears of happiness and I have taken it upon myself to always testify about how God used Dr Oliver to solve my problem. I am a clean woman now, without any virus, if you are infected with any disease like HIV,CANCER, HERPES or any other disease you can also be happy like me by contacting Dr Oliver through his Email Address : Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com or Text Him on WhatsApp +2348110493039 For more info.

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    brad duke: January 17, 2025

    I’m Brad DuKe, I won $220 million dollars with the help of Dr Lucas. I’m a former exercise instructor from Star, Idaho. I contacted Dr Lucas for lottery numbers when i saw a lot of good testimonials about him online on how he has been helping people win the lottery with his spell, i told him what i want and he did a readings and told me it is my destiny to win the lottery then i followed his instructions and do all he asked me to do, he started working on my winning spell and gave me the numbers to play the next day which i did with the instructions given to me by him and to my greatest surprise i won the same amount he told me i was going to win, do you need any spell to win the lottery? Contact Dr Lucas for help. Email drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 spread the good news after winning with his numbers. THANK YOU .

  • Author image
    brad duke: January 17, 2025

    I’m Brad DuKe, I won $220 million dollars with the help of Dr Lucas. I’m a former exercise instructor from Star, Idaho. I contacted Dr Lucas for lottery numbers when i saw a lot of good testimonials about him online on how he has been helping people win the lottery with his spell, i told him what i want and he did a readings and told me it is my destiny to win the lottery then i followed his instructions and do all he asked me to do, he started working on my winning spell and gave me the numbers to play the next day which i did with the instructions given to me by him and to my greatest surprise i won the same amount he told me i was going to win, do you need any spell to win the lottery? Contact Dr Lucas for help. Email drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 spread the good news after winning with his numbers. THANK YOU

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    Sabrina Yate: January 17, 2025

    I have come to found out and believed that there is no other form of medication that is 100% guarantee as herbal medicine, i was diagnosed of herpes tried several big pharma medicine and all form of healing to get rid of it all to no avail, until i read a comment about herbal medication by Dr Ofua a herbalist from Africa,which i gave it a try and behold he actually did send me the herbal medicine and its instruction,after uses i go for a blood test cause i noticed changes in my body and result came out to my greatest surprise i was now Herpes Negative i will recommend everyone to make use of his herbal medicine its the best,alot of people are talking about him you can check his web (https://neal-hypooght-scealy.yolasite.com) His contacts are Tel/whatsapp: +2347055955394 email: thegreatherbalhealinghome@gmail.com

  • Author image
    Destiny Hudson : January 17, 2025

    Dear friends online My name is Destiny Hudson And I live in the USA, Dominica I am here today to appreciate the good work of Dr Oyagu, for helping me curing my HSV 1&2 Disease, I contacted the virus from my Partner, i found out he was cheating on me, so i broke up with him, 2 month later i went to test myself in the hospital when i was seeing sore on my mouth and Private areas, i was diagnosed of HSV 1&2. i tried using the acyclovir medicine but it didn’t help in curing it, i went on a search and found out Dr Oyagu curing people illness, and so i got his email and i was told how i can get his herbal cure, 3 days later i received his medicine after using it for 2 weeks i was tested again and was confirm negative, today i am totally free. If you are over there looking for solution email: oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or contact him on WhatsApp +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome today and share your own testimony. And He also has herbal cure for the Following DISEASES, eczema, urethra wart, chronic problems. Herpes, Cancer, Als, Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV ,Infections, ulcer ETC

  • Author image
    Lisa Nayna Tumelo: January 16, 2025

    The Great Dr.OLIHA Herbal medicine is a good or perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for almost 5 years, everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth though the scientist say there is know cure for this disease,on my search I saw some different testimony on how Dr. OLIHA has been able to cure HIV with is herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase the medicine. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. OLIHA herbal medicine, I’m very grateful to Dr. OLIHA, reach him now on (oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com ) or you can also call him on +2349038382931.visit him website https://olihamiraclemedici.wixsite.com/drolihamiraclemedici

    Dr. OLIHA Also Cures:
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES 1/2
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
    5. Hepatitis B
    6. chronic pancreatic
    7. Emphysema
    8. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    9. Asthma
    10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma
    11. Diabetes

  • Author image
    GODWIN VERA : January 16, 2025

    Am testifying of the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called Dr OLIHA. I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr OLIHA the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr OLIHA cure her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the virus (oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com ) or you can also call him on +2349038382931.visit him website https://olihamiraclemedici.wixsite.com/drolihamiraclemedici

  • Author image
    Lisa Nayna Tumelo: January 16, 2025

    The Great Dr.OLIHA Herbal medicine is a good or perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for almost 5 years, everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth though the scientist say there is know cure for this disease,on my search I saw some different testimony on how Dr. OLIHA has been able to cure HIV with is herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase the medicine. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. OLIHA herbal medicine, I’m very grateful to Dr. OLIHA, reach him now on (oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com ) or you can also call him on +2349038382931.visit him website https://olihamiraclemedici.wixsite.com/drolihamiraclemedici

    Dr. OLIHA Also Cures:
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES 1/2
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
    5. Hepatitis B
    6. chronic pancreatic
    7. Emphysema
    8. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    9. Asthma
    10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma
    11. Diabetes

  • Author image
    Oliver James: January 16, 2025

    I have taken time out to thank someone who cured me from HPV with herbal medicine! It became a major problem for me as it was affecting my daily life as I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across several posts about how Dr Guba a herbal man has been helping people on the same problem then I quickly contacted the herbal man and told him my experience with HPV" he prepared and send me his herbal medicine to drink, after everything I found out that all was okay with me and that my Herpes problem was gone after testing negative several times, this is why I have come out today to say thanks to him and for others to also believe that there’s cure for HPV. Contact him today on his Email: Drgubahealingherbs@gmail.com WhatsApp: + 234 816 238 8034 You can also go through his website: https://drgubahealingherbs.wixsite.com/guba-healing-herbs

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    frias michelle: January 16, 2025

    I was healed from HERPES through the help of Dr Oliver. I saw a blog on how he cured people with his herbal medicine, I did not believe it but I just decided to give him a try, I contacted him through his email and he prepared the herbal medicine for me which I took. After taking it 14 days, he told me to go for a check up. Could you believe that I was confirmed HERPES negative after the test, and I went to a different hospital and it was also negative, I am so happy. If you are also infected with any disease like (1) HERPES,(2) DIABETES,(3) HIV AIDS,(4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION,(5) HEPATITIS B,(6) IMPOTENCE,(7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY DIARRHEA ASTHMA… ETC kindly contact him now at: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com and you can also text Dr Oliver on WhatsApp +2348110493039 and you will have a testimony… Good luck

  • Author image
    frias michelle: January 16, 2025

    I was healed from HERPES through the help of Dr Oliver. I saw a blog on how he cured people with his herbal medicine, I did not believe it but I just decided to give him a try, I contacted him through his email and he prepared the herbal medicine for me which I took. After taking it 14 days, he told me to go for a check up. Could you believe that I was confirmed HERPES negative after the test, and I went to a different hospital and it was also negative, I am so happy. If you are also infected with any disease like (1) HERPES,(2) DIABETES,(3) HIV AIDS,(4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION,(5) HEPATITIS B,(6) IMPOTENCE,(7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY DIARRHEA ASTHMA… ETC kindly contact him now at: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com and you can also text Dr Oliver on WhatsApp +2348110493039 and you will have a testimony… Good luck

  • Author image
    Rita : January 15, 2025

    I’m 40 years old female I tested genital herpes (HSV1-2) positive in 2016. I was having bad outbreaks. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I have try different kinds of drugs and treatment by the medical doctors all to know was avail. Six months ago I was desperately online searching for a helpful remedies for genital herpes (HSV1-2) cure, which I come across some helpful remedies on how Dr OYAGU have help so many people in curing genital herpes (HSV1-2) with the help of herbal treatment because I too believe there is someone somewhere in the world who can cure herpes completely. At of the past 2 months, however, I’ve been following his herpes protocol Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or +2348101755322 and it stopped all outbreaks completely! To my greatest surprise I was cured completely by following the protocol of his herbal medicine . Don’t be discouraged by the medical doctors. There is a cure for HSV with the help of herbs and roots by a herbalist Dr call Dr OYAGU he is so kind and truthful with his herbal treatment, kindly contact him for more information Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or WhatsApp DR on +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome you will be lucky as I am today

  • Author image
    Rita : January 15, 2025

    I’m 40 years old female I tested genital herpes (HSV1-2) positive in 2016. I was having bad outbreaks. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I have try different kinds of drugs and treatment by the medical doctors all to know was avail. Six months ago I was desperately online searching for a helpful remedies for genital herpes (HSV1-2) cure, which I come across some helpful remedies on how Dr OYAGU have help so many people in curing genital herpes (HSV1-2) with the help of herbal treatment because I too believe there is someone somewhere in the world who can cure herpes completely. At of the past 2 months, however, I’ve been following his herpes protocol Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or +2348101755322 and it stopped all outbreaks completely! To my greatest surprise I was cured completely by following the protocol of his herbal medicine . Don’t be discouraged by the medical doctors. There is a cure for HSV with the help of herbs and roots by a herbalist Dr call Dr OYAGU he is so kind and truthful with his herbal treatment, kindly contact him for more information Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or WhatsApp DR on +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome you will be lucky as I am today

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    Everett: January 15, 2025

    DR. AHONSIE CURE FOR HERPES1&2 – A NATURAL WAY TO GET HERPES1&2 CURED. If you have been looking for ways to naturally get rid of the herpes simplex virus from your body totally, then you are welcome to read further. Let’s face reality here, you have tried so many counter drugs and you are confused, weak and angry because nothing seems to work. Good News For you my friend…. Yes, I came with good news that will liberate you from the pains and stress of herpes outbreak, you will get total cure from this virus using Dr. ahonsie Herbal Methodology. Who is Dr. ahonsie? You may ask. Dr. ahonsie is a herbalist and a naturalist. He researched and identified some herbs and established a unique methodology to healing the human body using Herbal medicine that was confidently entrenched in his over 30 years of experience. According to him, has the cure for so many diseases/virus like GENITAL HERPES, HIV, DIABETES, CANCER, HPV, HSV1&2, GENITAL WART, SHINGLES, VAGINAL INFECTION and v so many more. You can contact him through his gmail drahonsie002@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348039482367 I am using this medium to inform everyone how to get treated of herpes using Dr ahonsie recommended Herbal methodology. drahonsie002@gmail.com https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie https://www.facebook.com/drstellaherbalhome?mibextid=ZbWKwL

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    Everett: January 14, 2025

    DR. AHONSIE CURE FOR HERPES1&2 – A NATURAL WAY TO GET HERPES1&2 CURED. If you have been looking for ways to naturally get rid of the herpes simplex virus from your body totally, then you are welcome to read further. Let’s face reality here, you have tried so many counter drugs and you are confused, weak and angry because nothing seems to work. Good News For you my friend…. Yes, I came with good news that will liberate you from the pains and stress of herpes outbreak, you will get total cure from this virus using Dr. ahonsie Herbal Methodology. Who is Dr. ahonsie? You may ask. Dr. ahonsie is a herbalist and a naturalist. He researched and identified some herbs and established a unique methodology to healing the human body using Herbal medicine that was confidently entrenched in his over 30 years of experience. According to him, has the cure for so many diseases/virus like GENITAL HERPES, HIV, DIABETES, CANCER, HPV, HSV1&2, GENITAL WART, SHINGLES, VAGINAL INFECTION and v so many more. You can contact him through his gmail drahonsie002@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348039482367 I am using this medium to inform everyone how to get treated of herpes using Dr ahonsie recommended Herbal methodology. drahonsie002@gmail.com https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie https://www.facebook.com/drstellaherbalhome?mibextid=ZbWKwL

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    JOSH Marvis: January 14, 2025

    I was really stressed by Erectile dysfunction issues and had consulted Dr Moses Buba. He gave us a thorough consultation and the medicines were equally effective. In a couple of weeks there was big improvement in me and we are very pleased with the progress. We cannot thank Dr Moses Buba enough. Highly recommended.you can reach him via Email buba.herbalmiraclemedicine@gmail.com WhatsApp +2349060529305. you can also reach on his Facebook page ; https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559577240930 / website page https://bubaherbalmiraclem.wixsite.com/website

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    Helen Debra : January 13, 2025

    I was diagnosed of herpes 2 years ago, and ever since then i have been taking treatment to prevent outbreaks, burning and blisters,but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of DR.Ayomide on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions for up to 2 weeks. After completing the medication I went back to my doctor for another test and the virus was all gone and I was completely cured, since then I have not had any signs of outbreak.I’m so filled with joy.With herbal medication Herpes Virus is 100% curable.I recommend (dr Ayomide)to everyone out there with the virus.Email address:ayomideherbalhome@gmail.com or whatsApp number +2348062443909.

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    Gala: January 13, 2025

    I want to inform the public how I was cured of herpes  Virus by a Doctor called Dr SIKIES. I visited different hospitals but they gave me a list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which are very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedies on Herpes and I saw comments of people talking about how Doctor Sikies cured them. I Was scared because I never believed in the Internet but I was convinced to give him a try because I had no hope of being cured of herpes so I decided to contact him on his email, i searched his email on the net and I saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness. When I contacted him he gave me hope and sent a Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without any problems, my HERPES result came out negative. You can contact him on via email drsikies@gmail.com and get all your problems solved.1)Sickness of any kind2)Help to cure  HEPATITIS B, DIABETICS, HIV/AIDS  and BIPOLAR3)Divorce, Breakup problem, To Re-unit or to cast a spell4)Pregnancy problem5)Financial problem and Job promotion6)bad mouth odour or tooth problem7)eye or ear problem8) enlargement of manhood Make order now via website : https://drsikiesherbalcuremedicine.weebly.com/

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