Stay Home. Stay Fit with Yoga

Stay Home. Stay Fit with Yoga - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

Stay home stay fit with Yoga

As Covid-19 scares the whole world, we are compelled to stay in our houses and limit social contact. But in this difficult situation, your mental health can go down as you keep on digesting the bulletins and news around the nation and world.

Thus, it is now even more essential to pay attention to your health to keep your mind and body, both on healthy a track. There is no wrong in staying updated with news right now, but keeping your physical and mental health at their best is more essential now than any other time.

Do yoga stay fit

While practising good hygiene is a ritual everyone must adopt during this lockdown, the one thing you can really do is to look for ways to boost your immunity naturally. This can be done beautifully with YOGA!

Yoga is one way you can naturally uplift your vitality without having to step out of the comfort of your home during this lockdown. The major benefits of yoga are:

  • Establishes a perfect balance between your mind and body
  • Uplifts your energies, physical and mental health
  • Heals your body from within
  • Improves your skin and health quality
  • Ideal to release stress and relax
  • Helps to stay calm and composed even in difficult situations

So, what are the best Yoga options you can adopt specially during this lockdown period? Here’s a list to help you out,


do pranayam at home

One of the basic yoga practices, pranayama can act as one of the simplest and effective ways to boost your immunity and fill your mind and body with vitality and positive energy.

It is all about deep breathing and exhaling, which alleviates stress hormone, normalizes the heart rate and any nervous distress. Pranayam can be effective to boost your respiratory health as well. If you are already not familiar with Pranayam, you can check out YouTube videos for learning the simple process.

Uttanasana (Forward Bend)

Yoga during lockdown

Inversion stretching exercises like “Uttanasana” is a great way to relieve congestion and sinuses. This pose also helps in stretching your spine and back as you lean forward. It also helps to rejuvenate the immunity system.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

It is considered one of the most effective and best yoga practises to boost immunity, mental health, flexibility and muscle strength. As the practice consists of 12 different yoga postures, it is a complete exercise for your body and mind. 

It boosts immunity, provides glowing skin, improves concentration, helps in weight loss, strengthens muscles, improves body flexibility and promotes better blood circulation in the body.

Yoga in itself is enormous, it cannot be placed and fixed with few practices and it is always suggested to learn yoga from a trained teacher for the best results. Yoga has many more forms, postures and positions but one can easily adopt certain forms to keep oneself healthy and fit.


Meditation at home during lockdown

Meditation makes an inseparable part of Yoga and is one of the best options you have at hand to pass this stressful time in a positive way. If you are not familiar with meditation already, you can take help of different guided meditation practices available on YouTube and other reliable websites to start with. 

Practice the above mentioned yoga postures and meditation daily at least for an hour during this period of lockdown. It will surely create a huge difference in your lifestyle and health. Virus and epidemics are natural, they come and go, what we can adopt is staying fit and healthy and boost our immunity to fight such epidemics in the best way. So, while the lockdown drills your TV with not so positive news and updates, why don’t you recover your health with YOGA! 




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