Tips to get beautiful hands & feet before Puja

Tips to get beautiful hands & feet before Puja - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

tips for beautiful hands & feet


Hands & feet are often the most neglected parts of our body when it comes to taking special care but if you are aiming to look flawless during Puja you just cannot overlook how your hands & feet look. When it comes to making an impression, it is not only your face that defines you, how you maintain your hands & feet says volumes about you. To get beautiful hands & feet that can truly complete your special beauty regime before Puja, check out these easy tips,

Proper cleansing is vital

tips for beautiful hands & feet


The first secret to beautiful hands & feet is daily, proper cleansing & it is something that we often miss. If you think, just applying soap on your hands & feet during bathing is enough care that your hands & feet needs, you are utterly wrong. Hands & feet require special attention for thorough cleansing as these are the parts of the body that regularly come in direct contact of dirt & pollutants around.

The right way of cleansing your hands & feet


how to get beautiful hands & feet


Use a body wash that has anti-bacterial properties & adequate skin moisturizing agents. It should not reap off the necessary oils from the skin like the alkali filled soaps. 100% soap free, Aromatic Spa Conditioning Body Wash imbued with lavender oil & sandalwood oil not only ensures proper cleansing of your hands & feet but also keeps the skin soft & smooth.

This essential oil enriched body wash has natural anti-bacterial properties that prevents growth of infection causing bacteria on skin. While using the body wash take special care to cleanse the fingers & nails as well as the elbows & the knees.

Exfoliation is important for beautiful hands & feet


exfoliation is vital for soft beautiful hands


Exfoliation is no way less important for the skin of your hands & feet than your face. Rather, the skin of your body, being thicker than the facial skin, needs deep exfoliation more often than your facial skin does. Exfoliation removes the layer of dead skin cells from the skin surface & improves the cell turnover rate, which can naturally make the skin softer, smoother & brighter.


exfoliation of the feet is important


Use Skin Eraser Walnut for regular exfoliation of hands & feet. Focus more on the dark knuckles of the fingers as well as the rough elbows & knees. Start using the powder scrubber on alternate days on your hands & feet to make sure that your hands & feet look much softer & spot free before Puja.


Do not skip moisturizing


moisturize your hand repeatedly


Moisturizing the skin of your hands & feet regularly is more important than you might think. If you have dry skin, it is really important that you start with daily – two times skin moisturizing routine from now on to make sure that your hands & feet are not dry or chapped.

Soft & Smooth Fairness Body Moist enriched with kokum butter, Aloe Vera & saffron is ideal for nourishing the skin of hands & feet & also helps in giving a lighter & brighter skin tone. You don’t need a lot of the body moist for onetime use. Massage a little of it on your hands & feet, twice a day; after bath & before going to bed at night.


use moisturizer on your hands & feet



If you are more of an oil-person, opt for Soft & Smooth Fairness Body Oil. This carrot seed & sandalwood oil imbued body oil offers deep hydration to the skin & also promotes fairness. Massage a little of this oil lightly on your wet hands & feet after cleansing & exfoliation. You might pour another mug of water after using the oil, if you feel like.

For washing your hands, use a mild, soap free hand wash & always follow with a light moisturizer.     

Take special care for your heels


take care of your feet


Pujo is the time when you might be out there in the Puja Mondop, in your best dress but without your shoes on; if you take active part in your “parar pujo” or even if you just show up for the “Oshtomir onjoli” in both the cases being in such a situation is only expected. So, ensuring that your heels are in perfect condition before Puja is important. Cracked heels look really gross & they can seriously affect your image.


remove dead cells from heels


Soaking your feet in warm water daily after getting back home & scrubbing it properly with a pumice stone or foot brush can help you get rid of the dead cells quickly. Do not forget to follow with a proper moisturizer. The Heel healing lotion can also be very effective to make your cracked heels beautiful within weeks.


Home treatments for beautiful hands & feet

Cleansing, toning & moisturizing your hands & feet regularly with proper products will certainly improve their overall look & feel. However, to make them more fair & attractive you can use the following home treatment as well,


Turmeric & Sandalwood for fairer hands & feet


sandalwood & turmeric for fair hands & feet


Make a smooth paste with 4inch of fresh turmeric. Mix 2 spoons of freshly prepared sandalwood paste to it & apply onto your cleansed hands & feet. Leave on for 15 minutes. Wet your hands in water & rub the pack on the skin with your hands for 2-3 minutes before washing off with water. Follow with a moisturizer.

Home treatments are highly effective but they often need more time & religious application to show results. As Durga Puja is not away any more, hence opting for effective quick treatments is only a wise choice. You can use the Oxy-De-Tan Pack on your hands & feet twice or thrice a week to get rid of tan & pigmentation quickly.


Lemon & Sugar for dark elbows


scrub the dark elbows with lemon and sugar


Dark knuckles, elbows & knees are a common problem for many. To get rid of the darkened rough skin of these areas, soak ½ spoon of sugar in 1 spoon of fresh lemon juice & lightly massage the darkened, rough areas of your hands & feet with the mixture for 8-10 minutes, daily before taking your bath. 

Taking special care of your nails with essential oil


nourish the cuticles with essential oil for healthy nails


Broken, chipped nails, is the last thing you need before Puja. In order to make sure that your nails are in their best condition during Puja, you need to start taking special care for them from now. Mix 3 drops of lavender essential oil with 5ml of almond oil. Blend the two well & massage your nails & cuticles twice daily with this oil blend. This treatment will nourish the cuticles & the nail bed, making your nails stronger & shinier naturally.  


Last minute tips for beautiful hands & feet before Puja


regular waxing, pedicure and manicure is important for beautiful hands & feet


Do not miss to wax your hands & legs before Puja. Instead of shaving or using waxing creams, opt for hot wax. This will keep the fresh hair growth in check for longer. Also get professional manicure & pedicure done just before Puja & get proper nail paints on, to make sure that your hands & feet look their best. 

Keya Seth Medi Spa is offering exclusive discounts & offers on all hand & foot care services till the Puja. Don't miss!  


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