Orange Oil

Orange Oil

Orange Oil Benefits & Features

  • Citrus sinensis peel oil expressed is an essential oil expressed from fresh epicarps of sweet orange Valencia, Citrus sinensis (syn: Citrus aurantium dulcis), Rutaceae  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
  • There are three different essential oils from the orange tree. The Orange from the peel, Neroli from the white flowers and the Petitgrain from the leaves. The essential oil is obtained from sweet orange (var. dulcis) and bitter orange (var. amara). (Sellar, 1992)
  • Orange peel oil is a by-product of orange juice production. It is a non-heated oil product, often called ‘cold pressed peel oil’.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
  • Sweet orange oil relieves nervousness, tension, and stress while encouraging energy, counters worry and balance physical and mental responses. (Suzanne G. Gray, 2002)
  • Essential orange oil is germicidal and anti-inflammatory, making it an ideal ingredient for skin and hair.
  • Its sweating action speeds out toxins in congested skin though it also appears to deal effectively with dry skin, wrinkles and dermatitis. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Cold-pressed orange oil contains Vitamin C (Buket Aydeniz-Guneser, 2020). It is an essential nutrient for skin repair and one of the most potent antioxidants in the skin.
  • This oil is not only for acne-prone skin. It has been shown to increase the capacity to absorb ascorbic acid, collagen synthesis, and the bloodstream, all essential for anti-ageing. (SANDHYA L. BORSE, 2019)
  • Vitamin C and the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic & bactericidal (Lawless, 1992) properties of cold-pressed Orange essential oil can make the hair smoother and shinier.
  • Vitamin C makes the hair bouncy and shiny and reduces dryness and dullness of hair. (Ruchi Tiwari, 2021)
  • It is recommended for treating constipation and chronic diarrhoea. (Davis, 1988)
  • It is very calming on the stomach, especially in nervous states. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Aiding in Vitamin C absorption, which could ward off viral infections, is suitable for colds, bronchitis and fever conditions by lowering the temperature. (Sellar, 1992)
  • The relaxing nature of Orange Essential Oil is very effective in painful and sore muscles & rickety bones and brings down the high cholesterol levels in the blood. (Sellar, 1992)
  • It helps to clear up gloomy thoughts and depression, dispels tensions and stress, and encourages a positive outlook. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Orange or Citrus sinensis contains limonene, linalyl acetate, terpene alcohol, phenolic acid, flavonoids, citral, carotene, and pectin—the Calming effects of C. sinensis effect on the central nervous system and mood improvement. (Mojgan Mirghafourvand, 2016 )
  • Sweet Orange essential oil has a sedative and hypnotic effect, which can significantly reduce autonomic activities, shorten the delay of sleeping time and prolong the duration. (Yu Zhong, 2019)

Orange Oil Info:

INCI: Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil.      (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Other names: Sweet Orange Oil.   (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Also Known as Orange Oil

CAS Number: 8008-57-9; 8028-48-6

Family: Rutaceae

CosIng Information:

All Function: masking

Rosehip Seed

Description: Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil is the volatile oil obtained by expression from the peel of Citrus sinensis, Rutaceae  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Citrus sinensis peel oil expressed is an essential oil expressed from fresh epicarps of sweet orange Valencia, Citrus sinensis (syn: Citrus aurantium dulcis), Rutaceae  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Citrus sinensis peel oil expressed (not officially an INCI name but perfuming name)  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Aroma: A zesty and refreshing citrus fragrance. (Sellar, 1992)

Colour: Yellow to orange-brown liquid.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Citrus species may have originated in India 30 to 40 million years ago. Citrus fruit subsequently spread to East Asia and the Mediterranean region, where numerous varieties were born by multiple mutations.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016) The orange tree is native to China and India and was brought to Europe. (Sellar, 1992)

Three different essential oils from the orange tree confuse us for choice. The cheerful Orange from the peel, Neroli from the lovely white flowers and the intriguing Petitgrain from the leaves. The essential oil is obtained from sweet orange (var. dulcis) and bitter orange (var. amara). (Sellar, 1992)

Orange Oil

The Arabic ‘Narandj’ is the root word for Orange, and it is possible that the Crusaders and many other spoils brought the fruit to Europe. The Orange also travel to California by missionaries. The peel was used in a West Indian liqueur named Curacao, and it also makes a delicious marmalade. The oil is used in the perfume and food industries (Sellar, 1992).

Essential oils are extracted by simple pressure from the outer, colored part of the peel. (Davis, 1988) Orange peel oil is a by-product of orange juice production. It is a non-heated oil product called ‘cold-pressed peel oil.’ Essential oil has wide commercial applications in food processing, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery, and cosmetics because of their flavor and fragrance. Sweet orange oils are also employed in Aromatherapy practices (Anton C. de Groot, 2016).

Our Products with Orange Essential Oil:

A Range of skincare products packed with the goodness of Orange Essential Oil by Keya Seth Aromatherapy is excellent for not only Oily Skin but also Dry & all types of skin. This Optimized range confirms the purity of Orange Essential Oil and the goodness of orange extracts, which boost collagen production, removes toxin & dryness, & gives smooth & soft skin.

AROMA & PROPERTIES: Three different essential oils from the orange tree spoil us for choice. The cheerful orange from the peel, neroli from the lovely white flowers, and petitgrain from the leaves. The orange tree is native to India and was brought to Europe around the 17th century. It has a zesty and refreshing citrus fragrance. It is known to relieve symptoms of anxiety and has antidepressants, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Digestive, Febrifuge, Sedative, Stomachic, and Tonic. 

Spreads a little sunshine on gloomy thoughts and depression. Dispels tension and stress, encouraging a positive outlook. Reviving when feeling bored and lacking in energy. Its sweating action speeds out toxins in congested skin though it also appears to deal effectively with dry skin, wrinkles, and dermatitis. Overall, a good skin tonic.  


Orange Oil Research Findings

Orange Essential Oil Chemical Constitution:

  • Limonene
  • Myrcene
  • a-Pinene
  • Sabinene
  • Linalool
  • n-Decanal
  • n-Octanal
  • Geranial
  • ß-Sinensal
  • Valencene (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
Rosehip Oil Chemical Structure
Chemical Component

Orange oil Essential:

It has the potential to trigger familiar, positive associations. Expressed from orange peel, it has been reported to function as an antidepressant with mild sedative qualities. The aroma is not harmful when diffused through the environment and contains coumarins, giving it a distinctive odour. Sweet orange oil relieves nervousness, tension, and stress while encouraging energy, counters worry and balance physical and mental responses. (Suzanne G. Gray, 2002)

Peel tincture is used to flavour pharmaceuticals and extensively used as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes and extensively used in all areas of the food and drink industry and used as the starting material for the isolation of natural limonene. (Lawless, 1992)

Orange Oil Benefits for Skin:

Orange is slightly astringent and used for general skin care, cellulite, and bad breath because of its pleasant taste and smell. (Keller, 1992) Its sweating action speeds out toxins in congested skin though it also appears to deal effectively with dry skin, wrinkles and dermatitis. (Sellar, 1992) Cold-pressed orange oil contains Vitamin C (Buket Aydeniz-Guneser, 2020)an essential nutrient for skin repair. It is one of the most potent antioxidants in the skin. Due to its antioxidant, nucleogenesis, and skin-lightening properties, its clinical applications range from photoprotection and antiaging to anti-pigmentation. (Firas Al-Niaimi, 2017 ) It is a good skin tonic. (Sellar, 1992)

Orange oil is also ideal for a child’s bath or baby oil. It increases the light sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. It has a refreshing, sweet, slightly tart scent that makes a summer bath even more enjoyable, mainly when mixed with lemon and bergamot. However, it should only be used in small doses as it irritates the skin. (Keller, 1992)

According to a study, orange peel cold-pressed oil can interfere with UVB-induced skin damage in mice. Orange cold-pressed oil treatment can effectively inhibit skin collagen degeneration by regulating the protein expression in mouse skin and alleviate the abnormalities of oxidation- and inflammation-related bioindicators in mice, thus protecting the skin from UVB-induced photoaging. (Guijie Li, 2020)

However, in future studies, clinical trials are needed to demonstrate the effect of cold-pressed oil and its methoxylated flavones on human skin. (Guijie Li, 2020)

Orange oil for skin whitening:

Essential orange oil is germicidal and anti-inflammatory, making it an ideal ingredient for skin and hair. This oil is not only for acne-prone skin. Still, it has been shown to increase the capacity to absorb ascorbic acid, collagen synthesis, and the bloodstream, which are all essential for anti-ageing.

The abundant nutrients and antioxidants in orange peel prevent the skin from getting too oily or dry. It also works as a toner when applied to the skin, removing dead skin and dirt and tightening pores. It is a source of Vitamin C, which is beneficial for the skin. The enzymes present in the orange peel remove dead epithelial cells and cleanse the skin deeply. Orange peel helps in the reduction of dark spots and blemishes. They are a natural bleaching agent that helps to reduce dark patches on the skin.


It leads to skin firming and prevents premature skin ageing by restoring collagen in the body. Orange peel benefits the face and healthy skin by curing clogged pores, dead cells, skin inflammation, imperfections, dark circles, and dry skin and lighting up the face. (SANDHYA L. BORSE, 2019)

Hesperidin (HSD) is a secondary plant metabolite and one of the principal bioflavonoids of citrus fruits. It is in relatively high quantities, especially in sweet immature oranges (Citrus sinensis). HSD is known for its valuable bioactivity and can act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. A Study shows that daily topical applications of hesperidin nanoemulsion have shown a significant skin whitening effect, reduction in trans-epidermal water loss, and inhibition of an irritation effect after exposure to UV rays. (Danijela Stanisic, 2020)

Orange Oil Benifits for Hair:

Essential oils can affect the skin’s cellular function after topical application. At the same time, they provide antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits on the scalp, promoting an increase in the hair shaft density, having a cleaning effect on the hair bulb, and strengthening the entire bulb/stem system. (Ursulandréa Sanches Abelan, 2021)

Vitamin C and the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic & bactericidal (Lawless, 1992) properties of cold-pressed Orange essential oil can make the hair smoother and shinier. Vitamin C makes the hair bouncy and shiny and reduces dryness and dullness of hair. (Ruchi Tiwari, 2021)

Orange Oil Benifits for Body:

Orange appears to have a normalising effect on the peristaltic action of the intestines, for it is recommended for treating constipation by Paul Duraffourd in ‘En Forme Tous Les Jours’ Dominique Sibe in ’70 Huiles Essentielles’ mentions the value of oil of Orange in helping chronic diarrhoea. (Davis, 1988)

It is very calming on the stomach, especially in nervous states. It also balances gastric complaints, stimulates bile, and could help the digestion of fats. The Orange oil may well encourage the appetite. Aiding in Vitamin C absorption, which could ward off viral infections, is suitable for colds, bronchitis and fever conditions by lowering the temperature. It is also helpful in collagen formation, which is vital for the growth and repair of body tissues. The relaxing nature of Orange Essential Oil is very effective in painful and sore muscles & rickety bones and brings down the high cholesterol levels in the blood. (Sellar, 1992)

Orange Oil Benefits for Mind:

It helps to clear up gloomy thoughts and depression, dispels tensions and stress, and encourages a positive outlook. It revies feeling and energy when feeling bored and lacking energy. (Sellar, 1992)

Orange Oil and anxiety:

Anxiety is a state of unpleasant feelings of worry, sadness, excitement, tension and fear. Restlessness, sadness, anorexia, hypertension, breath irregularities, palpitations, and impaired recall are among the signs and symptoms of anxiety and stress. Therefore, failure to control anxiety may have negative impacts on health.  (Azizeh Farshbaf-Khalili, 2018)

After-delivery anxiety is more common than postpartum depression, and its prevalence is more than 30% in the first month after childbirth. If left untreated, an anxiety disorder can occur, increasing the risk of postpartum depression. (Mojgan Mirghafourvand, 2016 )

Various methods are used to overcome anxiety, the most important of which is anti-anxiety medications. However, the side effects of such medicines are not suitable for our health. Essential oils have been used in different studies without any reported side effects. (Azizeh Farshbaf-Khalili, 2018)

Orange or Citrus sinensis relaxing nature is beneficial for anxiety. (Sellar, 1992). It contains limonene, linalyl acetate, terpene alcohol, phenolic acid, flavonoids, citral, carotene, and pectin—the Calming effects of C. sinensis effect on the central nervous system and mood improvement. The U.S. food and drug administration has recognised Orange peel essential oil as a safe group A medicine. Regarding the side effects of antidepression medications, the a close relationship between physical and mental health. (Mojgan Mirghafourvand, 2016 )

Sweet orange aromatherapy can be effective also in reducing pain and anxiety. A study shows that hemodialysis patients experience pain and anxiety during needle insertion, and the scientific interest in aromatherapy in reducing pain and anxiety is increasing. It is an alternative and complementary approach to reducing pain and anxiety in painful procedures like needle insertion. (Ma. Catherine Grace Mendoza Reyes RN, 2020)

It is used as an analgesic, antidepressant, antibacterial antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, deodorant, and digestive tonic; for reducing anxiety; as a sedative; for soothing the nervous system; and as a stimulant. (Ashley J. Farrar, 2020)

Orange Oil and Insomnia:

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder caused by psychological stress, chronic pain, and medication. Many insomnia patients are associated with different degrees of depression and anxiety.

These symptoms can co-occur with insomnia, resulting in decreased mental activity, memory loss, slow response, and autonomic dysfunction. Aromatherapy is used to treat chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia, improve cognitive efficiency, and relieve stress and other psychological and physiological disorders.

It has been reported that the main mechanism of aromatherapy may be related to the brain’s limbic system. Aroma components stimulate olfactory cells, which transmit signals to the brain and affect the autonomic nervous system and hormone secretion. Essential oils act directly on the respiratory, circulatory and central nervous systems through the skin and respiratory tract. Some studies have shown that certain essential oils have sedative and hypnotic effects, including bergamot, sweet orange, valerian, lemon, rose, cedar and other essential oils.

Previous studies on aromatherapy to improve sleep used inhalation, massage and other methods. Citrus and other essential oil mixture; results also show that aromatherapy significantly improves sleep. The use of essential oils may be a safe and effective treatment for or in the treatment of insomnia, which may reduce the overuse of prescription drugs and reduce the risk of sleep disorders affecting the health of the body in the short or long term.

The study found that the inhalation of Sweet Orange essential oil has a sedative and hypnotic effect, which can significantly reduce autonomic activities, shorten the delay of sleeping time and prolong the duration of sleeping time. (Yu Zhong, 2019)

How to Use:

  • Put 3/4 drops in a diffuser to release its compounds into the air. This method can help clean and purify the air and allow for the inhaling of oil from the air.
  • Place a drop or two on a tissue and inhale from the tissue/ hanky/ pillow cover.
  • Add it to your favourite unscented body care products (like lotions, liquid soap, etc.).
  • Apply it to the skin over the affected area by mixing it with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, olive, almond, or coconut).
  • Add a few drops to the bath water.
  • Mix them with distilled water in a spray bottle for room freshener, disinfecting or as a pest repellant.
Rosehip Seed


Prolonged use and high dosage may irritate sensitive skin, and there is a chance of phytotoxicity as well. (Sellar, 1992)

Always test a small patch on the skin for sensitivity before applying essential oil over a large part of the body. The internal use of essential oil is highly recommended by professionals/Doctors.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  1. Can Orange Oil lighten skin?

Yes, Orange Oil can lighten skin. The abundant nutrients and antioxidants in orange peel prevent the skin from getting too oily or dry. It also works as a toner when applied to the skin, removing dead skin and dirt and tightening pores. It is a source of Vitamin C, which is beneficial for the skin. The enzymes present in the orange peel remove dead epithelial cells and cleanse the skin deeply.

2. Can Orange Oil be used on the skin?

Yes, it can be used on the skin. However, always use carrier oil.

3. Is Orange Oil good for hair?

Yes, Orange oil is good for hair. Vitamin C and the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic & bactericidal properties of cold-pressed Orange essential oil can make the hair smoother and shinier.

4. Is Orange Oil Comedogenic?

No, it is a non-comedogenic oil.



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